Ayurdhama AyurvedaAyurdhama AyurvedaAyurdhama Ayurveda
Ayurdhama AyurvedaAyurdhama AyurvedaAyurdhama Ayurveda

Benefits of Suvarnaprashan

Suvarna Prashan – Benefits

  1. Suvarnaprashana boosts Immune System and makes the kid becomes strong and healthier, Thus prevents children from falling ill very often.
  2. Increases Physical strength, General growth of the baby (Height and Weight) and improves the stamina of the kid.
  3. Regular dose of Suvarnaprashana improves child’s Intellectual power, Grasping power, Analysis power and Recall memory.
  4. It improves Immunity and prevents from Recurrent cold, Cough, Fever and other Respiratory infections.
  5. It Improves Digestive power and decreases Digestion related complaints.
  6. Protects the baby from different kinds of Allergies.
  7. It helps to reach early developmental milestones.
  8. It develops a strong defense mechanism in case which acts as a safety shield against disease and complaints occurring due to seasonal change and other prevailing infections.
  9. Tones up Skin color and Texture.

Suvarnaprashana underwent series of clinical analysis in Ayurdhama Ayurveda and our other associated hospitals. And we have found excellent results in increasing immunity and general health in a normal healthy baby.

Know About Swarna Bhasma

Gold is considered as very precious in Ayurveda. When Swarna is converted into Swarna bhasma as explained in Ayurveda, it would possess following properties.

  1. It improves the Grasping power, Analysis power and Recall memory
  2. Increase the digestion power of the body
  3. Swarna bhasma has moisturizing & unctuous effect on body
  4. It’s a very good immunity booster
  5. Improves complexion and growth of the body
  6. Does Detoxification of the body
  7. Has ability to treat different infections, allergy and general weakness by improving the immunity of the body
  8. It develops an inbuilt strong defense mechanism in kids which act as a safety shield against diseases and complaints occurring due to seasonal change and other prevailing infections

It has been proved that Swarna bhasma possesses Anti oxidants, Anti depressants, Antibacterial & Antirheumatoid property. It also acts as Nervine stimulant. As we know a human brain grows rapidly in 1 to 16 years of life. Swarna Bhasma accelerates the growth of brain and boost up its utilization capacity, if Swarnaprashana is done during this phase. Other drugs in it help to build Immunity of the baby.

Suvarnaprashana underwent series of clinical analysis in Ayurdhama and our other associated hospitals. And we have found excellent results in increasing immunity and general health in a normal healthy baby.

How to store the drops:

Drops should be kept in room temperature and should not be exposed to direct sunlight. Note that it should not be stored in refrigerator. Suvarnaprashana drops can be used for 5 years when stored in shade and in room temperature. If the product gets solidified due to low temperature, warm it by keeping the Suvarnaprashana bottle in hot water bowl.

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