Ayurdhama AyurvedaAyurdhama AyurvedaAyurdhama Ayurveda
Ayurdhama AyurvedaAyurdhama AyurvedaAyurdhama Ayurveda

Ayurveda Management of Glaucoma

Glaucoma is a disease which causes progressive damage in the optic nerves that lead to direct vision loss as a result of increased intra-ocular pressure. The optic nerves receive signals from retina and transmit them to brain as electrical impulses that we see in the form of image. Increased intra ocular pressure causes reduced blood flow in optic nerves and hence optic atrophy due to decreased nutrition to the nerve. In some cases, damage to optic nerves is seen even with normal intra ocular pressure.

GlaucomaGlaucoma is clinically divided in to two types –

  • Open angle glaucoma
  • Closed angle glaucoma

Closed angle glaucoma is the resultant of direct obstruction in the out flow of aqueous fluid.

Symptoms of Glaucoma:

  • Pain in the eye ball sometimes with headache
  • Photophobia (irritation from light)
  • Floaters (seeing black spots in the field of Vision)
  • Increases I.O.P.
  • Vision loss in advanced cases due to damage in optic nerves.

According to Ayurveda, glaucoma is a disease thought to be caused by vitiation of all three doshas i.e. vata, pitta & kapha. Ayurvedic procedures help to clear the obstruction in the flow of aqueous fluid in eye so that intra ocular pressure can be maintained in a normal range. The cases, in which there is severs closure of angle need to go for surgical treatments.

In spite of controlling I.O.P., the rejuvenating medicines of Ayurveda give strength to the optic nerve and hence restore the vision with in limitations. Complete recovery of the vision is not possible at any cost in severely visual impaired. So, the wise decision is not to under estimate the damaging power of glaucoma and treatment should be started at the earliest.

The main Ayurvedic procedures done for the treatment of glaucoma are as follows

  • Lepa over eyes
  • Nethradhara
  • Thakradhara
  • Tharpana
  • Pindi
  • Anjanam
  • Shirodhara
  • Aschotanam
  • Nasya
  • Basti
  • Putapaaka
  • Purampada
  • Vidalaka
  • Internal Medicines

These procedures are done in presence of an expert Ayurvedic eye specialist. The total duration of these treatments is by hospitalization of approximately 2- 3 weeks duration. 2-4 courses are mandatory at an interval of approximately 3-6 months in most of the cases to get the maximum benefits out of this Ayurvedic treatment.

About our doctor: 

Ayurdhama has its special wing for Eye care & management of many eye diseases; headed by Dr Hariprasad Shetty M (BAMS, M.S), who did his masters in Ayurvedic ophthalmology. The expertise and knowledge of Dr. Hariprasad Shetty. M and his committed team of doctors, nurses and staff have been greatly successful in treating many highly complicated eye diseases.


  • Initial Consultation with Ayurveda eye specialist doctor and daily follow up consultation
  • Accommodation
  • All Ayurvedic Meals (Breakfast, Lunch & Supper) & herbal drinks
  • Advice on Diet & Lifestyle Management
  • Ayurveda Therapies – Customized for each client.
  • Eye exercises.
  • Yoga (once a day – Yoga Asanas, Breathing, Meditation and Relaxation)


  • We are committed to keep up the quality of our treatment programs and we take only a limited number of patients each month.
  • So we advise you to reserve your treatment programs a minimum one month in advance.
  • The 50% charges of the treatment programs should be paid in advance to reserve the treatment programs.
  • The advance deposit will be deducted from the total treatment programs and the balance must be paid on the first day of the treatment program.
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