Ayurdhama Ayurveda HospitalAyurdhama Ayurveda HospitalAyurdhama Ayurveda Hospital
Ayurdhama Ayurveda HospitalAyurdhama Ayurveda HospitalAyurdhama Ayurveda Hospital

Distant Learning Program in Ayurveda

Ayurveda for Multiple Sclerosis

ISO Certified Institution

Duration: 6 months

Course fee: ₹56,000 (Check Conversion Rate)

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Distant Learning Program in Ayurveda ( 6 Months )

Distant learning program in Ayurvedic massage and Panchakarma therapy will help you to learn ayurveda through internet. Students who join this course will get their lessons in ayurveda through e-mail / Post depending on their choice.

 This course is of six months duration and is divided in to six modules. Each module is sub divided into two sections and the students will get each sections in two week intervals. At the end of each month students will also get a set of questions to work out. After finishing the course students will have to submit a paper on any of the subject of ayurveda.

This special program also incorporates virtual classroom for the students through the internet. This course is designed in such a way to give a thorough knowledge about ayurveda in about six months. After completing the course the students can under go ten days in house training at our hospital in different types of ayurvedic treatments. our doctors will clear the doubts of the students through e-mail.

Reservation Payment Details:

We are committed to keep up the quality of our training programs and we take only limited number of students each month. So we advice students to reserve their seat well in advance.

  1. The program will commence upon full payment of the total course fees.
  2. For any queries related this course, feel free to write to ayurdhama4you@gmail.com before making the payment.

Apply Now
We offer 10% discount on course fee for registrations of 5 or more persons in a team. For further details and queries write us to ayurdhama4you@gmail.com

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