Ayurdhama AyurvedaAyurdhama AyurvedaAyurdhama Ayurveda
Ayurdhama AyurvedaAyurdhama AyurvedaAyurdhama Ayurveda

Panchakarma Package

Panchakarma treatment package charges – 28 days – Rs.1,76,400/-

The Panchakarma method uses natural body healing processes to get rid of toxins. Ayurveda has the key to eternal wellness in the form of Panchakarma. An ancient treatment, for well-being that comes from within. Panchakarma rejuvenates the entire being and includes five major procedures that help purify the body by eliminating accumulated toxins.

Panchakarma can be administered to both a healthy person as well as an unwell person. When a healthy person undertakes this treatment, it has a preventive, restorative and rejuvenative effect on the body.

PanchakarmaPanchkarma Therapy- Gift Your Body A Healthy Life

You lead a busy life. Between professional commitments, and family responsibilities, you ignore the well-being of your body and mind. Due to stress, pollution, long work hours, and unhealthy eating and drinking habits, you may suffer from anxiety, obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and hormonal imbalances.
The Panchakarma therapy, through a 5-phase treatment plan, removes toxins from your body and rejuvenates your mind, body, and soul.

What will happen During the Session ?: 

The Five-Folds Of Panchakarma

Pancha- (Five) + Karma (Work) = Panchakarma

Using the ancient Vedic methodologies, the Panchakarma cleansing process purifies your mind and body. It flushes out toxins through 5 cleansing processes. In 3-4 weeks, you feel healthy, happy, and fulfilled.

The 5 types of Panchakarma are, 

  • Vamanam – It balances Kapha Dosha through emesis or vomiting, provides oxygenation and builds immunity.
  • Virechana – It balances Pitta Dosha through purgation and builds up immunity, strengthens the absorption, secretion, and metabolic process of the gut, and oxygenates the body.
  •  Aasthaapana / Niruham Vasti – An enema using decoction or Kashaya are good combatting vata dominant disease, (Vata is predominant in the colon). Vasti involves the introduction of a herbal concoction into the rectum, relieving constipation, kidney stones, backaches, sciatica and other types of joint pain.
  • Anuvaasana Vasti – Oil enema: This is given to patients suffering from anemia, and obesity. All vata aggravated diseases, such as joint disorders, paralysis, constipation, arthritis, urinary and reproductive disorders benefit from the practice of Anuvaasana Vasti.
  • Nasyam – It cleanse the upper respiratory system and rejuvenates and nourishes the body. It helps in detoxify and strengthen the nervous system. And cure and prevent suffering in the head and neck region.

Benefits of Panchakarma treatment: 

  • Prevention of disease, and for promoting good health
  • Helps to rejuvenate body, mind and soul
  • Tones up the muscles and skin
  • Replenishes the reservoir of mental vitality and health
  • Strengthens all systems of body so as to achieve sound health and longevity.
  • Able to perform better & think clearly in your work & business
  • The skin will look more beautiful & young
  • Able to enjoy life and get all toxins out from body

Pathya(Restrictions) during Panchakarma Treatment Package:

During these 28 days of Panchakarma treatment Clients should strictly follow the Pathyas (restrictions)

  • Only very light and warm food is allowed, Only warm water for drinking and bathing
  • No coffee and Black tea
  • No Non veg food (meat – All types, Fish and eggs)
  • No Alcoholic drinks
  • No exertion (mentally and physically)
  • No Day sleep


  • Initial Consultation with Ayurveda Doctor and daily follow up consultation
  • Accommodation
  • All Ayurvedic Meals (Breakfast, Lunch & Supper) & herbal drinks
  • Advice on Diet & Lifestyle Management
  • Ayurveda Panchakarma Therapies – Customized for each client.
  • Yoga (once a day – Yogasanas, Breathing, Meditation and Relaxation)

Terms in regard to Companions: 

  • A companion (Above 5 Years Old) Supplement Without Ayurveda Treatment Will Be Charged At INR 1100 Per Head Per Night For Food Including Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner.
  • Children Under 5 Without Treatment Qualifies For Complimentary Food And Accommodation.

Reservation Details:

  • We are committed to keep up the quality of our Panchakarma treatment programs and we take only limited number of guests each month. So we advice you to reserve your treatment programs minimum one month in advance.
  • The 50% charges of the treatment package should be paid in advance to reserve the Panchakarma treatment package.
  • The advance deposit will be deducted from the total Panchakarma treatment package  and the balance must be paid on the first day of the treatment program.
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