Ayurdhama AyurvedaAyurdhama AyurvedaAyurdhama Ayurveda
Ayurdhama AyurvedaAyurdhama AyurvedaAyurdhama Ayurveda

Intervertebral Disc Prolapse (IVDP)

IVDP stands for Intervertebral Disc Prolapse. Let us understand this term. There are small spaces between each of the vertebrae in our body. These spaces are occupied by cushion-like substances known as discs.

Discs present between the vertebrae absorb sensations like shock and prevent serious repercussions.

The term prolapse means to protrude outside. Therefore in IVDP, it begins with a slight protrusion of the disc outside through the intervertebral space. This anomaly can cause pain in various degrees and hamper the movements of the patient.

Spinal disc herniation is a condition affecting the spine in which there is a Tear in the outer fibrous ring of an intervertebral disc which allows the soft central portion to bulge.

IVDPSigns and Symptoms

Usually, the lumbar portion of the vertebrae is where the prolapse occurs but there are chances for the other parts also to be affected.

The symptoms that can be seen in IVDP are :

  • Backache
  • Pain in regions like the shoulder, arms, forearms, and fingers
  • Aching sensation in the hip, thigh, leg, and foot
  • Restricted movements
  • Inability to carry out normal activities
  • The frailty of the back
  • Numb feeling and tingling sensation
  • Weakness

The above are the symptoms generically seen in patients, but the range can differ depending on the cause of the trauma and the age of the patient.


  • Genetics – disc prolapse can occur through genes. There are chances for this condition to be hereditary
  • Lifting heavy weights – while lifting heavy weights, there are chances for the disc to slightly prolapse
  • Movement – certain exaggerated movements can also cause the disc prolapse
  • Obesity
  • Chronic smokers
  • Age-related
  • Trauma – accidents and injuries can cause harm to the vertebrae and thus affect the prolapse of the disc.
  • Having a C- Section
  • Too tight pants

Risk Factors

  • Weight – Excess body weight causes extra stress on the disks in the lower back.
  • Occupation – People with physically demanding jobs have a greater risk of back problems. Repetitive lifting, pulling, pushing, bending sideways and twisting also can increase the risk of a herniated disk
  • Genetics – Some people inherit a predisposition to developing a herniated disk.
  • Smoking – It’s thought that smoking lessens the oxygen supply to disks, causing them to break down more quickly.
  • Frequent driving – Being seated for long periods combined with the vibration from a motor vehicle engine can put pressure on the spine.
  • Being sedentary – Regular exercise can help prevent a herniated disk.


Just above your waist, your spinal cord ends. What continues through the spinal canal is a group of long nerve roots that resembles a horse’s tail, called the cauda equina.

Rarely, disk herniation can compress the entire spinal canal, including all the nerves of the cauda equina. Seek emergency medical attention if you have:

  • Worsening symptoms. Pain, numbness or weakness can increase to the point that they hamper your daily activities.
  • Bladder or bowel dysfunction.
  • Cauda equina syndrome can cause incontinence or trouble urinating even with a full bladder.
  • Saddle anesthesia , This progressive loss of sensation affects the areas


Spine X-ray – which uses radiation to produce images of bones.

MRI – which uses a magnet and radio waves to create pictures of bones, muscles, tendons and other soft tissues.

CT scan – which uses X-rays and a computer to create 3D images of bones and soft tissues.

IVDP in Ayurveda

The cardinal feature of IVDP is back pain, which can be known as kati shoola in Ayurveda. But in IVDP, if there is radiation of pain to the leg and feet through the thigh then it is called gridhrasi. There are two types :

  1. Caused only due to vata dosha
  2. Caused due to both vata and kapha dosha

Gridhrasi is considered one of the main vata vyadhi,  something that is commonly seen in the present day.

Treatment Principles

  • Avarana vata chikitsa
  • Kaphavrita vata chikitsa
  • Kapha vata hara oushadhas
  • Dipana-pachana
  • Srotovivarana chikitsa
  • Shula hara chikitsa
  • Kati visesha chikitsa
  • Grddhrasi chikitsa
  • Apananulomana chikitsa
  • Malanulomana oushadhas
  • Majjagata vata chikitsa
  • Nadi balya oushadhas

Panchakarma Treatment Modalities

  • Bandhana
  • Lepanam
  • Avagaha
  • Mrudu abhyanga
  • Kati pichu
  • Kati vasti
  • Patra Pinda Sweda
  • Pizhichil
  • Snehapana – taila or ghita
  • Virechanam
  • Matra vasti
  • Lekhana vasti
  • Vaitarana vasti (in acute case)
  • Yapana vasti
  • Rasayana



  • Ashtavarggam kashayam
  • Bhadradarvadi kashayam
  • Brihat manjishthadi kashayam
  • Chithrakadi kashayam
  • Chiruvilwaadi kashayam
  • Gandharvahastadi kashayam
  • Guggulutiktakam kashayam
  • Lashunaerandadi kashayam
  • Maharasnadi kashayam
  • Rasonadi kashayam
  • Sahacharadi kashayam
  • Sahacharabaladi kashayam
  • Shuntibaladi kashayam
  • Varunadi kashayam

 Arishta / Asava

  • Abhayaarishta
  • Amrtharishta
  • Balaarishta
  • Dathryarishta
  • Devadarvyaarishta
  • Putikaranjasava
  • Sukumarasava


  • Brhat triphala churna
  • Kapikacchu churna
  • Vaiswanara churna

Gulika/ Guggulu

  • Dhanwantaram gulika
  • Gokshuraadi guggulu
  • Marmma gulika
  • Rasna guggulu
  • Trayodasanga guggulu
  • Vatari guggulu
  • Vyoshadi guggulu
  • Yogaraja guggulu


  • Danti haritaki lehya
  • Dasamoola haritaki lehya
  • Hingutriguna lehya
  • Narasimha rasayana
  • Nayopayam lehya
  • Sukumara rasayana



  • Chinchadi taila
  • Dhanwantaram taila
  • Karpasasthyadi taila
  • Kottamchukkadi taila
  • Ksheerabala taila
  • Mahamasha taila
  • Maharajaprasarani taila
  • Panchaamla taila
  • Panchasneham kuzhampu
  • Prasaranyadi taila
  • Rasna dashamooladi taila
  • Sahacharaadi taila
  • Vatamarddnam kuzhampu
  • Vishamushti taila


  • Gandharvaeranda taila
  • Hingutriguna taila
  • Pinyaka taila
  • Pippalyaadi anuvasana taila
  • Sinduvarairanda taila
  • Sukumaara eranda taila


  • Ashwagandadi ghrita
  • Brihat chagaladi ghrita
  • Dhanwantharam ghrita
  • Guggulutiktakam ghrita
  • Indukaantham ghrita
  • Saptasaaram ghrita
  • Sukumara ghrita
  • Varanadi ghrita


  • Abhraka bhasma
  • Godanti bhasma

Rasa/ Loha Preparations

  • Brihatvatachintamani rasa
  • Ekangavira rasa
  • Vatagajankusa rasa


  • Chitraka rasayana
  • Lasuna rasayana

Lifestyle and Home Remedies

  • Bed rest
  • Spinal Manipulation
  • Maintain good posture
  • Yoga and Meditation
  • Do not bend, lift, or sit in a soft, low chair; the pain will get worse.
  • The affected individual may feel better lying on his or her back on a firm surface with a pillow under his or her knees. Another option is lying on one’s side with a pillow between the knees to keep the back straight.
  • Take it easy, but do not simply lie in bed because this has been shown to actually worsen the condition.

Ayurdhama Treatment Program Includes

  • Initial Consultation with Ayurveda Doctor and daily follow up consultation
  • Accommodation
  • All Ayurvedic Meals (Breakfast, Lunch & Supper) & herbal drink.
  • Advice on Diet & Lifestyle Management
  • Ayurveda Therapies – Customized for each client.
  • Yoga (once a day – Yoga Asanas, Breathing, Meditation and Relaxation)

Pathya (Restrictions) during Treatment Package:

During these treatment Clients should strictly follow the Pathyas (restrictions)

  • Only very light and warm food is allowed, Only warm water for drinking and bathing
  • No coffee and Black tea
  • No Non veg food (meat – All types, Fish and eggs)
  • No Alcoholic drinks
  • No exertion (mentally and physically)
  • No Day sleep

Reservation Details

  • We are committed to keep up the quality of our treatment programs and we take only a limited number of patients each month.
  • So we advise you to reserve your treatment programs a minimum one month in advance.
  • The 50% charges of the treatment programs should be paid in advance to reserve the treatment programs.
  • The advance deposit will be deducted from the total treatment programs and the balance must be paid on the first day of the treatment program.

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